
2 min readAug 1, 2023

[Wellness] The Amygdala: Master of Emotional Influence





  1. 深呼吸法:這是一種簡單而有效的放鬆技巧。找到一個安靜的地方,坐下來或躺下來。深吸氣,讓腹部膨脹,然後緩慢地呼氣。專注於呼吸,讓自己的心情變得平靜。
  2. 冥想:冥想是一種專注於當下的練習,有助於減輕焦慮和壓力。可以尋找冥想音頻或指南來引導冥想,或者只是自己靜坐冥想。
  3. 瑜伽:瑜伽是一種結合身體運動和冥想的練習,有助於平衡身心靈。瑜伽動作和呼吸練習可以幫助放鬆杏仁核。
  4. 聆聽音樂:某些音樂和聲音可以有助於放鬆情緒和心靈。嘗試聆聽輕柔的音樂,讓自己沉浸在音樂中。
  5. 走進大自然:大自然的美景和寧靜可以有助於平靜情緒。散步在公園、花園或河邊,讓自己與自然接觸。
  6. 感恩練習:每天花點時間感恩,寫下你所感恩的事物。這有助於轉移注意力,減輕焦慮情緒。


The amygdala, one of the most intriguing structures in our brain, plays a pivotal role in the formation and regulation of emotions. This ancient brain region is closely connected to our senses, thoughts, and behaviors, and it significantly influences various aspects of our daily lives. Let’s explore the intricate interplay between the amygdala and emotions.

The amygdala’s role is to translate sensory information into emotional responses. When faced with stress or threat, it triggers the “fight or flight” response, enabling us to cope with challenges. Similarly, it is also associated with feelings of joy and pleasure, such as the happiness we experience when seeing loved ones.

However, negative emotions can cause the amygdala to remain in a heightened state of activation, leading to anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues. It can also lead to emotional instability and heightened reactivity. Hence, it is crucial to learn how to relax the amygdala.

Here are some methods to relax the amygdala:

  1. Deep Breathing: This is a simple and effective relaxation technique. Find a quiet place, sit or lie down. Take a deep breath, allowing your abdomen to expand, and then exhale slowly. Focus on your breath to calm your mind.
  2. Meditation: Meditation is a practice of focusing on the present moment, which helps to reduce anxiety and stress. You can find guided meditation audios or guides, or simply sit in silent meditation.
  3. Yoga: Yoga combines physical movements and meditation to balance body and mind. Yoga poses and breathing exercises can help relax the amygdala.
  4. Listen to Music: Certain music and sounds can help relax emotions and the mind. Try listening to gentle music and immerse yourself in the melodies.
  5. Connect with Nature: The beauty and tranquility of nature can help calm emotions. Take a walk in a park, garden, or by a river to connect with nature.
  6. Gratitude Practice: Take some time each day to express gratitude and write down the things you are thankful for. This helps shift focus and reduce anxious emotions.

In our daily lives, it is essential to pay attention to emotional changes and learn how to relax the amygdala to maintain both physical and mental well-being. By doing so, we can better cope with stress and emotions, ultimately enhancing our quality of life. Let us cherish ourselves with love and let the amygdala become an integral part of our inner tranquility.



